The Dunmore Recycling & Waste Disposal Depot is owned and operated by Shellharbour City Council. The community can dispose of their waste, recycling & organics.
Dunmore Depot is cashless. All major debit and credit cards (excluding American Express) are accepted.
24/25 Fees & charges
TopNote: Dunmore Depot is cashless. All major debit and credit cards (excluding American Express) are accepted.
(minimum charge up to 20kg)$472 per tonne
(minimum charge $9.50)Garden organics <150mm
(clean, separated lawn clippings & prunings)
(minimum charge up to 20kg)$240 per tonne
(minimum charge $5.00)Garden organics >150mm $472 per tonne FOGO
(food waste, coffee grinds)
(minimum charge up to 20kg)$240 per tonne
(minimum charge $5.00)Veterinary Waste
(minimum charge up to 10kg)$492 per tonne
(minimum charge $4.95)Paper & cardboard – Commercial quantity
(minimum charge up to 20kg)$260 per tonne
(minimum charge $5.20)Clean & separated polystyrene – Commercial quantity
(minimum charge up to 20kg)$472 per tonne
(minimum charge $9.50)Fridges, freezers & air conditioning units $14 each Concrete, brick or roof tile
(excluding floor & wall tiles)$472 per tonne Mattress and/or mattress base -cot to king single size
-double to king size
$32 each
$44 each
Tyres Car
$23 each
$27 each
Bulk clean earth (VENM)
(suitable for Depot needs)Price on application Bulk clean earth (VENM)
(not suitable for Dunmore needs)$472 per tonne Asbestos
(by prior arrangement)$655 per tonne
(minimum charge $320)Waste requiring special handling
(by prior arrangement)$559 per tonne Vehicle registration $35 Administration fee $50
FREE recycling drop off
At Dunmore Depot you will find the Community Recycling Centre which offers a FREE and easy solution for residents to dispose of their household problem waste for specialised recycling.
- Metals: steel, aluminium, copper & brass
- Dishwashers, washing machines, dryers
- Polystyrene – domestic quantities only
- Cardboard & paper – domestic quantities only
- Comingled recycling: glass bottles, jars, plastic food containers
- Electronic waste (e-waste)– televisions and computer electronics only
- Ink cartridges
- Mobile phones
- Gas bottles propane
- Fire extinguishers
- Smoke detectors
- Household batteries
- Fluoro globes and tubes
- Car batteries
- Motor oil (under 25 litres)
- Sump oil (under 25 litres)
- Cooking oil (under 25 litres)
- Water and oil based paints
- Aerosols (spray paint)
- X-Rays
- Textiles – drop off at Reviva Dunmore
Dunmore Depot tips & tricks
- Organise your materials prior to arriving Dunmore.
- Remember to bring your card for payment.
- Drop off your waste and recycling in two separate transactions for a lower charge.
- Visit the Reviva Dunmore shop and offer your second-hand goods prior to disposal.
44 Buckleys Road
Dunmore NSW 2529
Phone: 4221 6200
Opening Hours
7:30am – 4:00pm Weekdays
8:00am – 4:00pm Weekends and Public Holidays
Closed Christmas Day and Good Friday
Dunmore Depot Terms & Conditions
Top- Hand unloaded cars, trailers, trucks and other vehicles are to dispose of their items inside the Transfer Station.
- Prior to arriving at the weighbridge, please ensure your load is uncovered ready for inspection by the weighbridge operator.
- All users must identify the type of material being delivered to the weighbridge staff, including any specified items (tyres, mattresses, asbestos) or any liquid or hazardous wastes.
- When inside the Transfer Station, reverse up to wheel stops in designated parking bays.
- Covered shoes must be worn at all times when outside your vehicle.
- Engines must be switched off when unloading.
- It is the responsibility of customers to hand unload their items and place them in correct locations, this may mean you need to bring helpers if you have bulky items.
- Dunmore Depot is cashless. Bring an EFTPOS or credit card (excluding American Express) as your form of payment.
- Once inside the facility it is a condition of entry that staff instructions are followed. Failure to do this may result in you being asked to leave the facility.
- All users of this site must treat Council staff and their representatives in a polite and respectful manner. Aggressive or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated. Offences will be immediately reported to the NSW Police.
- There is strictly no smoking permitted on site.
- Children and animals must remain in vehicles at all times.
- Surveillance cameras are in operation throughout the site for everyone’s safety.
- Any person deemed to have breached the conditions of entry may be denied future access to the site.
- Council takes all care but no responsibility for any loss or damage to property, injury or death to persons arising from the use of the Dunmore Depot.
- Persons entering this site shall be deemed to have accepted the entry conditions.
We’d love to hear from you!
For general enquiries and feedback, please contact Dunmore Depot on 4221 6200.
For complaints, please contact Shellharbour City Council on 4221 6111.